D&D Character Idea #247: Lizardfolk Warlock

This post is part of a series of everyday posts for Blaugust. If you’d like to know more, click here.

Since we are still between campaigns, I am still debating the next major character to play. Most recent, I am considering a Lizardfolk Warlock with an Archfey Patron.

Here are the key roleplaying aspects of the character:

  • Hermit background, so even for Lizardfolk, he has lived a fairly isolated existence in the swamp.
  • Lizardfolk are described as seeing the things only in terms of its utility. They are fairly limited in emotional range. Art and beauty have no value to them.
  • In contrast, Archfey are demigods associated with the Feywild (or the Plane of Faerie) and are like more intense versions of faeries or similar creatures in popular myths.
  • After happening upon him, his future Archfey patron is amazed that he doesn’t know how to laugh or how to really express any kind of emotion other than hunger.
  • Without fully understanding, the Lizardfolk strikes a bargain with the Archfey that he will travel the world and learn the value of emotions and how to truly experience them.
  • The Archfey sometimes joins in on these travels, often offering unhelpful advice or intentionally leading him astray as to force him to feel the opposite emotion intended.

Obviously very rough at this time, but I am considering going pure Warlock, relying on Eldritch Blast for my damage needs, and loading up a ton of utility/face of the party spells. I like the idea of having an at-will disguise self spell, especially if it leads to a lot of bad/embarrassing attempts at pretending to be other races whose culture, dialects, and emotional vocabulary are entirely alien to me.

I am also mulling over going with Whispers of the Grave (at-will speak with the dead) or Gaze of Two Minds (a touch-based ability where I can touch a willing humanoid and experience their senses).

The first comes from an idea someone had of carrying around a collection of skulls to talk to for additional information. Lizardfolk getting Cunning Artisan which allows them to craft basic weaponry from fallen enemies. I figure pocketing a skull or two (and some snacking fingers/toes) from my enemies would be in-character and a great way to learn more about other cultures/emotions/etc.

The latter would be an easy way for me to roleplay learning about other races through their own eyes in a manner that would be less disturbing to potential good-aligned party members. I think it is less flavorful overall, but I am not looking to make an evil character or one that would be perceived as such.

All in all, it is a rough sketch of a character, but definitely one worth adding to the overall pile.


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3 responses to “D&D Character Idea #247: Lizardfolk Warlock”

  1. Really nice character concept, I’m such a 5E newb I couldn’t comment on the mechanical side. Since I’ve only DM’ed the edition so far I really ought to spend time on character building just to stretch my creative muscles and practice the rules more.


  2. I’m trying to come up with a lizardfolk warlock myself.. idk what patron to go yet but “Garzúl” will be aggressive towards everything that is lower on the food chain than he is always have to have fingers for a snack! Even bite off the occasional finger while party is talking to someone haha. I’m thinking of pact of the blades just to help with the “aggro” side of things even tho hexblade may be the best patron for the play style I want I also want him to be intune with his ancestors so maybe undying. But the great old one is also appealing.. nothing like hearing a echo in your mind of the words food! Die! Food! While fighting a crazed lizardfolk.

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